Friday, 23 May 2014

Animated Crime

Several years ago I stumbled across Alix Lambert's book "Crime: A Series of Extraordinary Interviews Exposing the World of Crime - Real and Imagined". The book presents various narratives and commentaries about true crime and fictional crime, cinematic responses and prisoners' perspectives.

Saturday, 1 March 2014

Visual Criminology

As a visual artist and criminology PhD candidate, I have a great interest in the intersections between criminal justice, aesthetics and visual culture, particularly in the context of contemporary digital technologies, screens and cameras linking prisons with courtrooms. During my research,  it has been great to find several online groups (e.g. on FaceBook) who share this interest in cultural criminology, more specifically, visual criminology or “criminological aesthetics” (Carrabine 2012: 464).
Screen Shot 2014-03-01 at 3.13.35 PM
I've found that there are some good resources and references available about this emerging area of criminological research:
A related conference is the forthcoming ‘Law and the Visual: Transitions & Transformations’ at ANU. This  sounds very worthwhile and certainly relevant to my research! Several leading international scholars are confirmed participants including Alison Young, Peter Goodrich, Richard Sherwin and Desmond Manderson.
More details:

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

On the thesis treadmill

"Automaton"= a moving mechanical device in imitation of a human being = how it feels at the moment as I try to write, write, write.
But the words appear 

s  l  o  w  l  y …

I've got fantastic rich empirical data from prison, developed strong arguments and found great literature yet the process of getting it down on paper(screen) is tough!
As well as writing, I've also been collecting interesting images that show video links in use, and the visual representation of the remote inmate. Here's one from Canada featuring former pig farmer and convicted serial killer, Robert Pickton: