Friday, 29 November 2013

Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law

I've been ignoring my blogging obligations for some months...
But now I'm here in glorious Basque Country with time to write and complete the first draft of my thesis. I'm a Visiting Scholar at the International Institute for the Sociology of Law in Oñati, located in a beautiful Spanish Renaissance building that was completed in 1543.  Today I spent time in the Library procrastinating about where to commence … and decided to just start at the beginning with the Introductory chapter. I know I'll end up revising that chapter considerably later, but it feels good to ground my thoughts and remind myself of my motivations for this research project. I've started with a short narrative about my first encounter with courtroom technologies to give context to my research focus: the embodied experience of the incarcerated person, that person dressed in prison greens appearing from a remote correctional facility.

Image: Carolyn McKay 2013