Jill Magid witnessed a shooting by Fausto Cardenas in Austin, Texas. She decided to continue her witnessing by attending his trial and reporting directly from the courtroom via Twitter to create a digital testimonial record.
View the project by using the hashtag #FaustosWitness or following@jillmagid beginning August 5. Magid’s tweets will continue until the end of the trial.
Jill Magid seeks intimate relations with impersonal structures. She is intrigued by hidden information, being public as a condition for existence, and intimacy in relation to power and observation. Magid has had solo exhibitions at the Whitney Museum of American Art; Tate Modern, London; Berkeley Art Museum; Yvon Lambert in New York and Paris; Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam; and Gagosian Gallery, New York. She has written three books: One Cycle of Memory in the City of L; Lincoln Ocean Victor Eddy, Becoming Tarden, and is currently working on her fourth, Failed States. Magid lives and works in New York City.